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Carina Erhardt


My journey began with a bachelor's degree in International Fashion Retail Management, a master’s degree in Brand & Media Management, and practical experiences in these areas where I saw the negative impact of systems on the world as well as on humanity. In order not to completely surrender to the established economic system of the last decades, I saw the way out in a social engagement as a global volunteer working for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. My curiosity was aroused and I tried to find out more about the Purpose Economy. From mindblowing books (e.g. Theory U, Doughnut Economics) to personal education (purpose fellowship) and practical learning in a purpose agency I have not only acquired a mixed SKILLSET of creative and strategic skills, but also built a strong MIND and HEARTSET. Thus, I have to come to action and bring Purpose back to life. So here I am as a future B Leader, taking the next step to learn from brilliant thoughtleaders and co-creatively transform organizations into a force for good.

Domaine d'expertise 

- Marketing / Communication
- CSR / Sustainable Development


Contact & Région

Sustainability Consulting



Langues parlées 

English, Deutsch

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